Character Creator From the title screen, you'll be able to access the character creator. Here you can create a character, then save them to use them as either your PC or an NPC. In basic , you can choose name, last name, sex, pronouns, race, morph, age, and image. (Note: You MUST put the image in the game's 'img' folder. And the recommended size is 256x256. Any lower or higher and it could become ugly.) In physical , you can choose eyes color, hair color, hair shade, hair length, skin tone, height, fat, muscle, and femininity. In privates , you can choose butt size, anal elasticity, anal pregnancy, chest size, vagina elasticity, penis length, penis girth, balls size. In mental , you can choose interests and traits. In sexuality , you can choose sexuality, genital preference, affections, aversions, preferred fetishes, and disliked fetishes. Once you'...