[Pre-Alpha1] What's next?


What will become of ‘Over-Soul’?

Over-Soul is a game that I’ve been working on for a while now. And while I think it already has a substantial amount of gameplay for a first release, it doesn’t yet contain the things that I consider to be ‘essential’ (hence the Pre-Alpha 1).

To name a few of the features that I plan to add before going into Alpha: combat system, magic system, childcare system, prostitution, adventuring system, going steady and marriage system, cheating, rape, crimes, banditry, some lore and worldbuilding, and some actual story. Off the top of my head.

I will try to get into Alpha before next year. No guarantees though.

Obviously, this is a huge undertaking, especially for my second game release. (the first was an RPGM game.) However, if you give me support, engage in my content, and give me feedback on how to make the game better, I’m sure that I can sail this ship to the desired destination. 

For starters, I’ll tell you what I plan for Pre-Alpha 2. These are the major things that need to be completed: childbirth, childcare system, lactation, oral and hand sex scenes, and game length extension to at least 1 year. If I have time, I will also add some other minor things as well.

The next update will be out within 2 weeks to 1 month after this version is released.

Please follow me on my blog, my game thread, and/or my Discord server. I am very passionate about my game (otherwise I wouldn’t be writing a 10-page Word document about it), and I’d like you to see it grow and become truly great.

…Or watch as it crashes and burns and I disappear off the face of the earth. But let’s be optimistic here.




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